Avicenna J Dent Res. 2023;15(4): 142-149. doi: 10.34172/ajdr.1676

Original Article

Comparison of the Effect of Fluoride 0.2% and a Combined Mouthwash (Flavonoid Compounds and Fluoride 0.2%) Against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus: In Silico and In Vitro Study

Behin Omidi 1 ORCID, Yasin SarveAhrabi 1 * ORCID, Sarina Nejati Khoei 1 ORCID

Cited by CrossRef:

1- Miłek M, Franke G, Tomczyk M, Górecki M, Cwiková O, Jarošová A, Dżugan M. The Influence of Geographical Origin on Poplar Propolis Composition and the Impact of Human Microbiota. Pharmaceuticals. 2024;17(6):768 [Crossref]